Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A thought for action-

Hello Readers! So as you've heard, it's August and this month is already coming to a close! I heard someone once say that August is like the Sunday of summer.... How true right? I'm not too sure how many of you are excited about that but this girl is thankful. It's been a great summer but being a beach bum and not getting to spend much time in the sand this year was a dread. So I am for one, warm welcoming with a big hug and hello to fall, scarves, and football.
Now that we are all a couple weeks into the new semester, and it being a Tuesday, almost mid-week, between work, class, family, and the beautiful moments of life, I'm sure everyone as well as myself would appreciate a nice encouraging word... In my anatomy class, I was recently given a quote about man. I'm sure most of you have recently been watching the olympics and have seen for yourself how true this quote really is. It's by Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act 11, Scene 2.
"What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!" This really hit home with me, we are masterpieces created by God. Miracles. Beautifully and wonderfully made with limitless capabilities. It irritates me to think that I take that for granted. I want to encourage all of you friends today that there are no boundaries or impossible dreams. No matter what the situation, no matter how high the cost. YOU can attain it if and only if YOU want it bad enough that you go after it. Whatever you might be facing this semester, this month, this week, today, it's up to YOU to make it worth being apart of. So with a closing smile, and in the words of another respected teacher... Get off the bus ready to play the game! This is your life, you are limitless in capability and admirable in action! Have a great and successful rest of the week friends and remember to make every moment beautiful, you want it to be worth remembering! This is your LIFE:)
Love, Brittany-

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In action!

Okay loves, so it's been a while since I've last wrote and I'm quite excited to have this moment to update ya'll on all the latest moments. Summer has been a success! Wahoo! Greyson is about to turn one! Bittersweet! I'm officially back in the classroom and will be graduating in March with my two year science degree.... getting there! Slowly but surely this little family is catching dreams. I've learned to never settle and always take every breath for what it's worth.... a lot.

I'm super anxious about this coming semester with school. It's been about a year since I have actually been in the classroom, I took my last year all online and swore to myself I would never overload myself like that again! I literally taught myself. Now it's really getting down to the "nitty-gritty" on what exactly to accomplish with school and where to transfer to. My goal has been Pharmacy and Clinical Research but I am so torn with other medical related fields that I might just make a professional student of myself haha.

All of Greyson's birthday party gear is coming together nicely, and I am in amazement of how fast this year has went by. I'm blessed beyond measure. Looking back at about this time last year, this world is a better place! Haha, my journey has came a long ways!

I love summer so much, but I am soooo ready for fall! Jeans, football games, and hot coffee! I love the feeling of waking up on a saturday morning knowing that it's chilly and crisp outside with changing leaves. I'm itching to curl up on the couch with peppermints and Christmas movies already! But anyways, my little one is having way too much fun in the other room without me so I think that's my cue to sign a close.... Have a blessed rest of the week friends and remember to shine your light!

Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in it's time."